Can I Use Vitamin C Morning And Night

Can I Use Vitamin C Morning And Night

It wasn't long ago that Vitamin C emerged as a new skincare ingredient that promised porcelain, age-defying skin. Soon enough, it became quite the hype among skincare buffs (for obvious reasons) and Vitamin C-infused skincare products now rule the beauty markets. Being a powerhouse of antioxidants, Vitamin C can boost collagen, reduce free radical damage and give you clearer and brighter skin. However, there's one confusion that always revolves around this trending ingredient—whether to use it during the day or night.

Today, we are going to settle it once and for all. Not only that, we will tell you the right way and proportion of vitamin C you should be using on your skin. So, let's begin, shall we?

  • AM or PM—when is the right time?
  • How should you use it?
  • How much Vitamin C should you have every day?
  • What are the best ways to score Vitamin C in your diet?
  • What type of Vitamin C is the best?
  • What does Vitamin C serum do?
  • To sum it up

AM or PM—when is the right time?

AM or PM—when is the right time?

Vitamin C protects the skin from sun damage and free radicals that attack the skin throughout the day. This might be the reason why many choose to apply it in the daytime. However, it doesn't fare well with the harsh sun rays and might leave your skin irritated, especially if you have sensitive skin.

You can layer it with an SPF to reduce skin sensitivity, but it is still recommended to use it at night. Vitamin C is used for its anti-ageing benefits as it boosts collagen, improves elasticity and repairs damaged cells. Using it before bed is safer and has far more beauty benefits and thus, we totally recommend you to use it in the night, before hitting the sack.

How should you use it?

How should you use it?

A little amount of Vitamin C goes a long way, so use only a drop or two. Use it after cleansing, toning, exfoliating but before moisturising. Also, if the product you are using has a high concentration of Vitamin C, using it once at night should be enough, while a product with a lower concentration can be used twice a day.

Also, no matter what skin type you have, remember to always step out with a broad-spectrum SPF of at least 30 when you are using Vitamin C on your skin. Even if you're using it at night, apply a sunscreen the next morning before heading out.

How much Vitamin C should you have every day?

How much Vitamin C should you have every day?

Vitamin C is essential for the body, but having too much of it may cause issues, such as diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, etc. That is why, it is not advisable to consume more than the recommended daily intake.

Recommended daily intake for teens in the age group of 14-18 is 65-75mg of Vitamin C. For adults aged 19 and older, intake of 75-90 mg of Vitamin C is recommended. Pregnant women and breastfeeding women need more intake for obvious reasons, so they can consume up to 120 mg of Vitamin C.

For kids, the requirement of Vitamin C is very less. For kids aged 1-3, 15mg of Vitamin C daily is enough. For slightly older kids in the age group of 4-8, 25mg Vitamin C intake is sufficient. For adolescents from age 9 to 13, 45mg of Vitamin C intake is recommended.

What are the best ways to score Vitamin C in your diet?

What are the best ways to score Vitamin C in your diet?

While supplements and powders are available, the good news is that this water-soluble vitamin can be found in many fruits and vegetables, so you can easily get it! Some fruits and veggies that are a good source of Vitamin C include:

  • Guavas
  • Red & Yellow peppers
  • Kiwis
  • Lemon
  • Lychees
  • Papayas
  • Strawberries
  • Oranges

What type of Vitamin C is the best?

What type of Vitamin C is the best?

Vitamin C comes in two forms: pure, and bound to minerals. The most common types of vitamin C supplements are ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate and other mineral ascorbates. Ascorbic acid is the purest form of Vitamin C, but for some, it is too acidic. The other types mentioned combine ascorbic acid with sodium, calcium and other minerals respectively. There is no one type that can be best for everyone, so choose what works best for your body. Vitamin C is available in the form of pills, tablets, chewable and powders, so take your pick.

What does Vitamin C serum do?

What does Vitamin C serum do?

Vitamin C serum is touted to be one of the best anti-ageing ingredients. Safe for all skin types, Vitamin C serum has several benefits. It hydrates the skin, brightens the complexion, treats inflammatory skin conditions, fades hyperpigmentation, reduces the appearance of dark circles, promotes collagen production, prevents the skin from sagging, protects it against sun damage, soothes sunburns and heals wounds. Phew! Now that's a long list of benefits.

To sum it up

To sum it up

Using Vitamin C-infused products in night works better and is also safer. By doing so, you are avoiding the risk of photosensitivity and giving the product enough time to act on your skin. A Vitamin C serum should be used in your bedtime routine and a couple of drops of it should suffice. Tap it on your skin using your fingertips and leave it on overnight. Wash your face in the morning and apply SPF to avoid any skin irritation. If you wish to use Vitamin C in the daytime, look for gentle formulas that are meant to be used in the daytime and we have said this enough times, but don't skip on the SPF!

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Can I Use Vitamin C Morning And Night


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